4 Special Gifts Ideas to Congratulate Your 2022 Grad

Written by
Kyle Sherman
Published on
June 15, 2022 at 2:41:53 PM PDT June 15, 2022 at 2:41:53 PM PDTth, June 15, 2022 at 2:41:53 PM PDT

While it is not a must that you give someone something during their graduation ceremony, the practice is pretty common today.

A gift is a perfect way to congratulate a graduate for the effort they have put in to finish high school or college and wish them the very best ahead. And while cash may do, a gift is more memorable and endearing to the recipient.

So, what kind of gift should you give your grad in 2022 to congratulate them? Here are some well-thought-out personalized ideas you should consider:

1. Graduation Plaque with Picture

A plaque is perhaps the perfect way to commemorate an important event, milestone, or day. Unlike say money, plaques live on and on, and can be kept, like on a desk or wall, somewhere for remembrance.

But you do not want to just go for a generic plaque, as this may not carry the message you want. Instead, you can order a personalized one, topped off with a picture to capture that happy moment forever. That said, receiving a customized plaque as a gift can make the grad feel really special, not to mention you will stand out from the crowd.

2. Glass Senior Award Plaques

Still, on plaques, you can also consider a glass award plaque gift for a senior class graduate. This type of gift is simple yet beautiful and well-thought-out. Like with a picture plaque, you can customize it to your liking, adding the recipient’s name and achievement.

This gift idea goes beyond congratulating the graduate. It instills a sense of pride in the achievement. Glass custom plaques come in all shapes, designs, and even colors- just like wooden plaques.

3. Thermal Water Bottle

Want to give something useful in daily life but still unique and thoughtful? How about a thermal water bottle?

Water bottles have quickly cemented themselves as an everyday necessity. You will likely not miss one in a student’s bag. Thermal bottles are insulated to keep the ideal temperature of the liquid inside, whether hot or cold. Thus, it is the perfect accessory for both winter and summer.

What’s even better is you can have it customized with a name, picture, or personal message.

4. Class of 2022 Picture Frame

Graduation can be a bitter-sweet feeling; on the one hand, it opens a new door for the graduate, and on the other, it closes another behind them. So, a class of 2022 picture frame is a wonderful gift idea. Your grad can frame their best picture of themselves with close classmates for a keepsake and keep it by their bedside.

Shopping for the Perfect Gift for a Graduate? Pick Something Unique from a Variety of Custom Plaques

Getting a thoughtful gift is the number one etiquette tip when attending someone’s graduation ceremony. Remember, no graduation is too small, whether it is a high school diploma or a Doctorate; the completion of that stage in one’s education journey is worth celebrating.

So, if you desire to give something special and relevant, the ideas mentioned above are worth considering. Just make sure you customize your gift to make it even more memorable.