5 Reasons Why We Should Celebrate Success

Written by
Kyle Sherman
Published on
December 27, 2021 at 8:00:00 AM PST December 27, 2021 at 8:00:00 AM PSTth, December 27, 2021 at 8:00:00 AM PST

Why and how we celebrate success can help us make changes in our lives and achieve our goals in business.

To create lasting change for the good, we often focus on what’s not working in our lives so we can change it, rather than recognizing what is working and celebrating that, for a change. Literally.

Taking a Moment to Celebrate

If we never take a moment to celebrate what we’ve accomplished, we will never feel good enough. We may be driven, motivated, constantly moving forward to keep achieving what we set out to do. Pausing for a celebratory moment can make us feel like we’re putting the focus of reaching our potential on hold.

Rather than thinking that a celebration is a stagnant moment in time, consider that kudo an acknowledgment of progress. When we recognize success as it arrives, it gives us the green light to keep challenging ourselves, day after day.

5 More Reasons Why We Should Celebrate Success

1. To turn the good into more good – Learn to use what’s working to inspire using more of what’s working, when it comes to achieving goals.

2. To cultivate a positive mindset – A large part of success is motivated by state of mind. Focusing on what we’ve accomplished, rather than what we still have to do, goes a long way to developing a success mindset. We start to see ourselves as people who are successful, not people who are trying to become successful. A powerful motivator is in the magic of momentum.

3. To feel good – One of the best reasons to celebrate success is simply that it feels good. There’s even a scientific reason why it feels good when we celebrate success: that “neurohappy” chemical dopamine is released into our brains when we achieve something, and it feels so good, we want more of it.

4. To have gratitude – The iconic writer Ralph Waldo Emerson says, “Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Character is everything.” We all know that stress and disappointment is part of daily life. We don’t necessarily have to allow this to take center stage in our lives. Be grateful for positive things -no matter how small- and we’ll be prone to notice and celebrate even more accomplishments.

5. To share success – If we’re successful -and we start acting like it, sharing our success- other people will acknowledge it, too. The excitement, support and happiness they display will help you savor the success for an even longer time.

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