A Hole in One Deserves an Award
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June 24, 2022 at 8:00:00 AM PDT June 24, 2022 at 8:00:00 AM PDTth, June 24, 2022 at 8:00:00 AM PDT
It’s not every day a golfer hits a hole in one. In fact, experts say it’s quite rare.
Fun Facts about Hitting a Hole in One
● To be official, a person other than the player must witness the shot
● The player must play a round of at least nine holes
● The player must play only one ball during the round that he shot the hole in one
● Tiger Woods shot his first hole in one at age six
● It’s almost impossible to calculate the odds of a hole in one with complete accuracy, which shows what a unique accomplishment it is
● Mancil “King of Aces” Davis is regarded as the professional record holder for most holes in one
● Not all holes in one are reported
● Some holes in one that are reported do not actually occur
● 102-year-old Elsie McLean became the oldest person on record to hit a hole in one, in 2007
● It’s customary for the player who hits a hole in one to buy the clubhouse a round of drinks
“Yes, I designed it myself,” Mike tells us. “Your design team helped me immensely! It is special for Bob for the obvious reason of it being a hole-in-one; special to me because I designed it and made it.”
Mike designed a silver aluminum plate with the vital statistics of Bob’s extraordinary accomplishment in Blackletter font, attached to a wooden plaque that contains a signed score card of the game and, of course, the ball! We’re not sure if Bob bought a round of drinks for the clubhouse, but we’re pretty sure he appreciates Mike’s kind gesture of commemorating what is for many golfers a lifetime goal.
“I have referred and will continue to refer others to your company. Your customer service is excellent in every way. Thanks again.”
Thank YOU, Mike! And congratulations to Bob, too.