Articles tagged #DIY
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Create One-of-a-Kind Decorating Designs with Stencils
Stenciling is a decorating technique that uses cutouts to transfer patterns onto walls, ceilings, floors, furniture and just about any surface you can imagine. Do-it-yourselfers can buy pre-made stencil designs or you can make your own stencils. Either way, the result is a one-of-a-kind look for your home or office.
Create Custom Outdoor Markers for Your Garden
One of the things gardeners are always thinking about is how to make the task easier, so time spent in the garden is more enjoyable. Garden wisdom tells us to place plants that need full sun in sunny spots and give ground covers room to roam. Growing water guzzlers together makes sprinkling more efficient; growing prolific producers like zucchini and other vegetables in the same area makes quicker work of harvesting. If you’re not sure what you planted or where, then custom garden markers from PlaqueMaker are just what you need.
Limitless Design Possibilities with Custom Cut Stencils
Stencils date back 37,000 years when Neanderthals use them to apply hand prints on cave walls in Spain. In 105 A.D., the Chinese employ stencils to add color to paper as a new printing technique. In a method called Katazome, the Japanese apply rice paste to them to block the saturation of dyes onto fabric. Paper, fabric and wood become art with the use of stencils.