Perpetual Plaques for a History of Success
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April 14, 2022 at 8:00:00 AM PDT April 14, 2022 at 8:00:00 AM PDTth, April 14, 2022 at 8:00:00 AM PDT
Timeless and effective – perpetual plaques help motivate extraordinary businesses and employees the world over.
Companies that believe in employee recognition know that custom perpetual plaques are a unique way to document an outstanding history of success. You may have seen perpetual plaques on display at a university to honor notable alumni or the corporate office of a non-profit or community organization to thank inspiring leaders or generous donors. Perpetual plaques are a great way to celebrate a number of individual achievements with one award.
What Separates a Perpetual Plaque from the Rest?
A perpetual plaque has the ability to:
● display numerous award winners using a series of nameplates arranged in a custom pattern
● personalize each nameplate with names, job titles, accomplishments, award categories and just about anything else
● add new nameplates to the plaque easily in the future
Advantages of Perpetual Plaques
Perpetual plaques are not only good-looking and professional, they are durable enough to last as long-term displays that can be elegantly refreshed with new achievements whenever the need arises, and stay beautiful for decades.
Does your school have a championship-winning debate team? Has your organization met a sales goal? Does your company recognize an outstanding employee every year? Has your community sports team won a lot of contests?
With a perpetual plaque, you can celebrate a variety of accomplishments over time, such as recognizing employees, clients, donors, sponsors, pledges, awards, sales goals, patents and more. A perpetual plaque is an attractive, impressive piece of art that showcases what’s important to you, your company, your organization – the list goes on and on. A custom perpetual plaque can be an impressive conversation piece that motivates the office and boosts company morale –a unique visual motivator that continues to inspire greatness.
● Create an Employee of the Year perpetual plaque that also honors each Employee of the Month with 12 nameplates and one larger nameplate –or picture- for the big winner
● Celebrate senior team members of your staff by designing a perpetual plaque that features years of service
● Feature your company’s creative prowess with a perpetual plaque that displays the full list of creative awards earned
● Show off the number of widgets your business makes or sells every month with a “widget-try” perpetual plaque
● Create an impressive perpetual plaque that displays a lifetime’s worth of your business cards
One of the best ways to make an impression and inspire others to be the best they can be- is to display your perpetual plaque where everyone has a chance to see it: company lobby, conference room, office or outdoors at the building entrance; grouped with other perpetual plaques or alone on a wall.
PlaqueMaker Can Help
Create professional custom photo frame perpetual plaques at PlaqueMaker that include one free logo, photo or clip art with no character limit. We can also print your photo for free. Customize your perpetual plaque with your choice of a coated wood board or upgrade to a solid cherry, walnut or bamboo. Organize nameplates in a variety of layouts, type fonts and metals. Each perpetual plaque includes one top plate and one free plate with the original plaque purchase.
● Additional plates purchased with the original plaque are $5
● Any plates purchased at a later date are $14 each
● Additional cost will apply to all upgrade metal plates: brass, bronze, copper, stainless steel, and titanium
● Laser-engrave metal upgrade available for the top plate only
We can create a custom perpetual plaque to fit your needs. For a custom number of plates, please email us.