Redemption Ink celebrates 1st Anniversary with Beautiful Tribute

Written by
Kyle Sherman
Published on
March 26, 2021 at 9:37:23 AM PDT March 26, 2021 at 9:37:23 AM PDTth, March 26, 2021 at 9:37:23 AM PDT

“Very pleased by their prompt service, speedy delivery and creative design. Good experience all the way around.”

This July, Atlanta Redemption Ink (ARI) celebrates its one-year anniversary with the help of PlaqueMaker. “We wanted a beautiful way to honor the artists who have worked with us as well as the survivors we serve,” Founder Jessica Lamb tells us. “We felt personalized plaques would be a way to do that and the artists would have something for their shop or doctor’s office.”

ARI’s mission is to restore dignity to survivors of exploitation, trauma and abuse by taking marks of hurt and turning them into depictions of hope and healing. The non-profit organization offers people a way to transform human trafficking brandings, self-harm and domestic violence scars or tattoos and gang symbols, either by removal or replacement with a cover-up that symbolizes freedom, beauty and redemption. This good work is done by vetted certified specialists in a safe environment.

“We have built a phenomenal community of trusted artists and removal specialists from all areas of the United States,” says Jessica, who is a survivor of human trafficking. As thanks and recognition for their generosity and the impact they are making in their communities, ARI is presenting them with personalized plaques donated by PlaqueMaker through our Pay It ForwardDonation Program. The elegant black plaques with silver plate feature ARI’s beautiful logo in full color, each specialist’s name, their business name, ARI’s anniversary date and a personal message of gratitude.

Jessica finds PlaqueMaker through an online search. “We checked out the website and reviews and felt it was a great match. We enjoyed working with their graphic artists on the design process. They created the exact look we were going for.”

As for the artists and specialists who are receiving this recognition, “They are very grateful and love them,” Jessica says. And we’re pretty grateful for that!

To be doing good deeds is man’s most glorious task.


We have established the PlaqueMaker Pay It Forward Donation Program to assist nonprofits like ARI as well as companies, small businesses and individuals in making a difference in people’s lives. We can donate or discount our products for your cause, giving back to our communities in the process.

If you or your organization would like to be considered as recipients, please email us at Please include the following:

● Details of who needs help and why

● What products you need

● When you need them

● Where it’s shipping

● Your contact information

One of our customer service specialists will contact you to let you know how to proceed in our selection process.