A custom name badge makes your business representatives easily identifiable to customers, clients and visitors as well as showcases your brand logo and title. These badges are available in a variety of metal and plastic materials to suit your needs, style and budget. A magnetic fastener keeps the name badge attached to clothing without leaving any holes or damaging fabrics. The rectangular-shaped badges come in custom-cut sizes to fit all of the information desired.
Name badges made of metals such as aluminum, copper, stainless steel, and titanium are sturdy and durable. A magnetic brass name tag that is 24 gauge (1/40") thick with rounded corners provides durable, lightweight, safe wear. For even greater durability and strength, titanium name badges are 20 gauge (3/80") thick. Plastic name badges are affordable alternatives to metal plates for special company events. Aluminum is another popular option that is color-printed to your specifications. These custom name badges can be either permanently laser-engraved or color-printed in ink.