Student of the Year Awards

Written by
Kyle Sherman
Published on
April 2, 2022 at 8:00:00 AM PDT April 2, 2022 at 8:00:00 AM PDTnd, April 2, 2022 at 8:00:00 AM PDT

Do you know a student who makes a difference? We bet you do!

Usually awarded at the end of a school year, the Student of the Year award recognizes outstanding students who use their natural talents for good – achieving top academic marks while giving back to their school and their community.

Even though Student of the Year awards can engage young people with the possibility of praise or even fame, winners are singled out as examples of those who rise to success using their excellence, hard-earned achievements and kindness to others. Surely, they are individuals the community can be proud of.

The mission of most education systems is to ensure that every young person has the best chance to overcome what’s known as “the culture of can’t,” and to fulfill their potential. Celebrating their achievements in learning and other academic pursuits is widely used by schools and teachers as a way to reward outstanding students and encourage the young leaders of tomorrow.

Easy Design Student of the Year Plaque

Honor the best students of the year with this handsome Easy Design Student of the Year plaque from PlaqueMaker. The award plaque features personalized custom printing on a 4×6-inch metal plate mounted to a high-quality 6×8-inch board. It’s very easy to design, too. Simply include the student’s name and subject, date and school name plus a school logo. Truly a great end-of-the-year gift for students!