Articles tagged #SERVICE
Articles tagged

Celebrate Nature and its Protectors for National Wildlife Day

National Wildlife Day is recognized on September 4th, when everyday people can help local animals and their habitats. The day is also celebrated on February 22nd, in honor of beloved expert Steve Irwin. We can help you spend the day reconnecting with nature, supporting local critters, and rewarding anyone who protects them.

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The Meaning of November 11

In the eleventh hour of the eleventh day in the eleventh month of 1918, a temporary cessation of hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany is reached, bringing an end to the fighting of World War I. Even though the official finish of “the war to end all wars” is recognized a full seven months after this armistice -when the Treaty of Versailles is signed in France on June 28, 1919- November 11 remains steadfast in the hearts of men as the end of The Great War.

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Custom Patriotic Plaques & Trophies

A personal, elegant acknowledgement goes a long way in supporting our troops. PlaqueMaker makes it so easy to design any number of award plaques, customized trophies and personalized gifts that feature patriotic themes military personnel relate to in a big way. Design it yourself with PlaqueMaker’s easy-to-use online design tools. Browse our clip art gallery for seals and other artwork for every branch of the military, including the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines as well as the Coast Guard and the National Guard.

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